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자주묻는 질문(QnA)

유통기한이 어떻게 되나요?

미개봉시 제조일로부터 1년 6개월이며

막걸리를 만들고 난 후 냉장고에서 보관시

장기적으로 숙성해서 드실 수 있습니다.

이때 숙성도에 다라 맛이 달라지게 되므로

비교해보시는 것을 추천해드립니다.

How long can I store the product?
Unopened package can be kept for 1.5 years from manufacturing date.
After making makgeolli, store it in the refrigerator between 1 - 5 degree Celsius.
Makgeolli can be consumed at anytime as it age like wine.
Taste of Makgeolli mature and becomes better as it age. You may compare the taste from time to time. 

막걸리 키트 구매시 얼마나 만들 수 있나요?

쌀꽃막걸리는 막걸리 4~5병 조제가 가능하며,

빨간막걸리는 막걸리 2~3병 조제가 가능합니다.

How much of Makgeolli can we yield with the kit?
Rice flower makgeolli yields 4 to 5 bottles (750 ml per bottle) of makgeolli.

Red Makgeolli yields 2 to 3 bottles (750ml per bottle).

Do you have an English manual?

An English manual is included in the product, so it is recommended to foreign friends.

Also great for gifts.

Do you have an English manual? 
Yes! English manual is written in the product packaging. 

This would be a perfect gift for any friends around the world. 

도수는 몇 도 인가요?

쌀꽃막걸리는 1리터, 빨간막걸리는 1.5리터 물을 섞을시

7도 정도의 막걸리로 드실 수 있으며

물을 적게 넣으면 도수가 높아지고 물을 많이 넣으면

도수가 낮아집니다.

What's the recommended mixture of water to makgeolli-kit?
We recommend 1 liter water for rice flower makgeolli.

Red makgeolli we recommend 1.5 liter of water.

With this concoction, you will get average of 7% alcohol, well balance for consumption.

Alternatively you can mix less water, if your wish your drink to be stronger and higher in Alcohol content. 

Other inquiries

For other inquiries, please contact the customer center.

Customer center hours: AM 11:00 ~ PM 4:00

For any inquiries, feel free to contact our customer care hotline or email us.

Customer care operation hours, Mondays to Fridays, 11 am to 4 pm (UTC+09:00)

+82 070-8065-4574 /

Tel. 070-8065-4574  |
3328, 10-6, Seongnam-daero 343beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea